
Computer Science

Mr. Tayson Holzer

Computer Science is a required course for all 9th graders at American Heritage School – Salt Lake City. This hands-on, project-based, introductory course is designed to help you learn the fundamentals of computer programming, regardless of whether you have had previous programming experience. If you can tell the difference between a computer and a toaster, you have all the prior experience needed to succeed in this course.

Computers are powerful tools — arguably some of the most powerful that our race has ever invented. The purpose of this course is to put the full power of the computer firmly within your grasp. By learning how to program a computer, you will gain the ability to wield the computer as a tool to accomplish whatever
your life work entails, including blessing yourself, your family, and the world. Contrary to popular assumption, computer programming is a fairly straightforward skill to learn and is well within the grasp of every student at American Heritage. Further, whether or not you become a professional computer programmer, this class is for you, because computer programming skills can be applied to every field of work in which you will be engaged. For these reasons, we believe that everyone should learn computer science and thereby master the use of the computer as the powerful tool that it is — to bless yourself, your family, and others, and to build the kingdom of God on the earth.

For those students who want to learn more computer science, this course serves as a preparation for and prerequisite to AP Computer Science A, which will be offered in the 2024-2025 school year.

Course Details

Course Outline

Programming Units

Unit 1: Basic Python Programs
Unit 2: Computer Architecture and Decision-Making
Unit 3: Iteration and Algorithms
Unit 4: Abstraction, Modularity, and Clean Coding
Unit 5: Inputs and Outputs
Unit 6: Final Project

Readings and Class Discussions

Topic 1: The Broad Impact of Computing
Topic 2: Privacy and Safe Computing
Topic 3: Legal and Ethical Concerns
Topic 4: Computer Systems and Networks
Topic 5: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Topic 6: Using Computer Science for Good


View syllabus


There is no need to purchase materials for this class.