
Get Involved!

Family involvement enriches the educational experience! At AHS, every household is required to give at least 30 hours of volunteer service per year. Using your strengths and talents, the Parent Service Organization (PSO) organizes volunteers, providing ample opportunities for families to meet that 30-hour requirement. An orientation on how to record service hours will be given to families nearer to the start of the school year. 

The PSO includes a board of parents who are equally as excited for this new school year as you are! 

If you have an interest in helping with our PSO, please visit the PSO Website or contact Carrie Dunn, our PSO President (carriedunn272@gmail.com).

A Word About The PSO

AHS is very fortunate to have a supportive parent community. The PSO models this supportive relationship with the school.

The PSO works in harmony with school administration to carry out the mission and vision of the school. The PSO promotes communication between the school and parents and builds a sense of community at AHS. Since its inaugural work in spring 2022, the PSO has worked tirelessly to achieve these goals. 

The PSO begins the academic year by welcoming and supporting new families to AHS. They organize community building events. Service opportunities facilitated by the PSO are ongoing throughout the year.

PSO board members serve one-year terms, and may be invited to serve additional terms based on personal interest, balanced also with the PSO board’s desire share leadership opportunities among various parents and families.

The selection process for the upcoming PSO board will begin during the fourth academic term of each year.  Please complete the survey to register your service interests below and indicate whether you would be interested in serving on the PSO board in the future.