
Education for the Heart in the Heart of Salt Lake City

American Heritage School and Family Education Center helps K–12 students thrive intellectually, spiritually, physically, and socially in the light of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. 

After 50 wonderful years in Utah County, American Heritage is pleased to bring our rigorous academics, principles of liberty, and focus on the restored gospel of Jesus Christ to Salt Lake City area students and their families. 

Families with children in grades K–11 are encouraged to apply. Grade 12 will be added in August 2024. 

The school is located just Northwest of the Conference Center of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, at 142 W. 200 N.

Join us in downtown Salt Lake City!  |  Education for the Heart, in the Heart of it All.

Why enroll your family at American Heritage Salt Lake City?

Excellent education transforms a student’s heart and mind. For more than 50 years, American Heritage School has educated hearts and minds, with remarkable outcomes. Thousands of children and families are grateful members of a school community they say has supported, educated, and uplifted their entire families.

As you embark on your American Heritage journey, here’s what you can expect:

  • Warm, faithful, highly qualified teachers who know and love their subject matter, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and American Heritage’s transformative approach to teaching and learning — an approach that will enable your children to grasp academic concepts and gospel principles by study and by faith.
  • Exceptional academic curriculum in which students learn to observe carefully, reason accurately from cause to effect, discover relevance, and make detailed records to remember and share what they learn.
  • Small class sizes that help each student engage more deeply in learning, interact more fully in class, and receive more focused attention and guidance as they formulate their own ideas.
  • A school-wide Honor Code of kindness that invites children to make friends and encourage one another as they strive to become Christian disciples and faithful scholars.
  • Uniform and grooming standards to keep children focused on learning, unity, and modesty, and to avoid distractions that can stem from fads of clothing, jewelry, accessories, or grooming.
  • A media and technology policy that sets clear standards for what your children will see, hear, and discuss at school.
  • Excellent communication with teachers and administration so you always know what your child is learning and experiencing at school each week.
  • And so much more…


If any or all of these describe your expectations, we invite you to inquire for additional information today. We would love to begin a dialogue to explore how an American Heritage education can become a reality for you and your family. Our beautiful downtown Salt Lake City campus and our devoted staff await you. Inquire today!

Inquire today! We’re eager to meet your family and explore the opportunities of an American Heritage education with you.

If you have immediate questions we can answer, please reach out to slcadmissions@ahsmail.com.

16 More Reasons to Enroll

Click + to expand each section

You want them to learn about Jesus Christ, emulate Christlike character, and cherish what is sacred.

You want them to avoid youthful errors that lead to regret and may block future opportunities.

You want them to repent and turn to God for forgiveness and healing as often as needed.

You want them to become patient, kind, and compassionate.

You teach the doctrine of Jesus Christ in your home, and you want your children to always remember Him.

You study scriptures as a family so your children will learn to love Jesus Christ and walk in the meekness of His spirit. 

You pray for this as a family and invite your children to pray personally, with heartfelt emotion.

You encourage your children to ask questions and seek wisdom in prayer.

You invite them to ponder the scriptures and write the impressions that come to them, so the Spirit can teach them. 

You believe that as children surround themselves with what is lovely and praiseworthy, they will grow in goodness and confidence.

You know memorized hymns, scriptures, and poems can be like friends in moments of need. This is why you memorize lines or passages of scripture and poetry as a family (or wish you did).

From personal experience, you know how the Holy Ghost brings important truths to memory at just the right time.

You want your children to recognize and heed the guidance of the Holy Ghost, so they can avoid the worst and choose the best.

In short, you want your children to discern between what is good, better, and best, and then choose the best. You want them to choose to emulate Jesus Christ and grow into the principle of revelation.

You invite your children to love God with all their hearts and to consecrate their time and talents to Him.

You want them to contribute to a spirit of unity—wherever they go and with all people.

You want them to be kind, patient, and grateful toward all, with a spirit of civic charity.

You want them to become responsible citizens wherever they live, and practice civility and tact in all their conversation.

You especially hope your children will teach their own children and grandchildren the gospel of Jesus Christ in the future.

You know literacy and reading is an important foundation of life-long learning. 

You want your children to appreciate and enjoy the best books from a variety of subjects and fields.

You want your children to become able to read fluently and imaginatively

You also know some books, even very good and popular books, contain some untrue ideas, so you hope your children will learn to discern truth from errorYou hope your children will not believe everything they read.

You want them to evaluate the truthfulness and usefulness of what they read. 

You believe it’s important to stay involved in your children’s learning, and you would be grateful for teachers who support you in teaching excellent selection and careful discernment in reading.

You want your children to become apt, persuasive, elegant writers.

Of course, you’d like them to write with readable, even beautiful, penmanship

Even more, you want them to write clear, graceful sentences.

You hope they learn to organize logical and coherent sentences and paragraphs, and that their logic and coherence will help them remain organized in many aspects of their lives.

You believe it is essential that they learn to use proper punctuation, standard  spelling, and proper formatting of letters, papers, and source citations.

You want them to write various genres of stories, essays, and articles (personal narratives, comparison and contrast, classification and division, problem and solution, and persuasive letters, to name a few).

You want your children to make a careful personal record of the things that they know and believe to be true.

You know that schools succeed much better when parents view themselves as “hiring the school.” When parents see the school as a helping hand, they view themselves as the master tutors, and they help their children progress in reading and writing at home. You know this, and you enjoy coaching your children through their homework.

You find satisfaction in viewing your family and the school as close partners in teaching writing, reading, and other fundamental subjects.

You want your children to learn how to use scientific tools to observe the world and universe.

In connection with their observations, you want them to be able to take careful notes, both qualitative and quantitative.

You hope they will understand how to apply the concepts of science and the scientific method to increase their understanding.

You also hope they come to understand the rules of mathematics, and how math applies in the real world.

You believe that as your children learn to recognize, understand, and resolve real world issues using the tools of math and science, they will learn to love math and science reasoning skills and will use them in many circumstances. 

You hope your children will learn to collaborate effectively with others by working on teams — academic discussion and presentation groups, athletic teams, and service squads.

You appreciate a curriculum that invites students to learn to glorify God through music, art, and dance

You want your children to become appreciative and knowledgeable about sacred, classical, and patriotic music and art

You would love for them to learn from masterful artists to produce inspiring 2D and 3D art using various media.

And if they could learn from masterful musicians to appreciate and produce delightful, worshipful, or patriotic music, you would be thrilled!

You would appreciate social dance instruction that occurs in grades 7–8 and teaches traditional manners, etiquette, leading, and following in social dance (Waltz, Cha-Cha, Fox Trot, Swing, etc.) — skills that can be used to enjoy social dance throughout one’s life

You see the fine and performing arts as helpful in developing Christlike character.

You see dramatic arts and public speaking — performing on stage each year — as an important part of helping your children grow in confidence and preparing to lead and serve throughout their lives. You would appreciate an opportunity for your students to participate in faith-promoting “devotionals” and plays.

You believe it is essential for children to study the great leaders, stories, decisions, and documents of the ages, including the founding fathers, their sacrifices, and the pamphlets, debates, declarations, and constitutional writings that led to the “miracle of Philadelphia”—the U.S. Constitution—and guaranteed rights and liberties that are a fundamental model for constitutional governments all around the world.

You would be impressed and grateful if your children became familiar with many countries and could converse intelligently about their peoples, cultures, geography, and resources. 

You would be excited if your children learned to sketch maps with their own hand, including political, physical, natural resource, linguistic, religious, population, and other kinds of maps.

You would find it meaningful if your children could compare and contrast governments of various countries and how their laws are made and upheld; and it would be even more remarkable if they discussed the history of world alliances, treaties, and diplomacy.

You may have believe that all of this would be just too advanced for a K–12 school to achieve. We assure you it’s not. Nearly 1,000 instructional hours per year (totaling almost 13,000 school hours in K–12) is a lot of time, and when it is structured efficiently and coupled with an appropriate amount of well-conceived homework, tremendous learning can be accomplished! 

What if your child learned all of this and more—and enjoyed it?

Given the technology of today, you hope your children will become familiar with computer logic and learn to use common software and programming tools

By the end of middle school, you want your children to learn to write programming scripts using common programming languages

Moreover, you hope they will be able to read electrical diagrams and schematics

You would be excited to see your children engage in electronics as they design, print, and build mechanical and electrical projects.

You would appreciate a curriculum that helps students learn problem identification, design thinking, programming, robotics and other elements of a well-prepared STEM curricula.

You want your children to develop interest in and a basic understanding of languages in addition to English, such as Mandarin or Spanish. You know how language connects people internationally.

You would be excited for middle school electives that provide an introduction to foreign languages and access to online language learning software and apps that reinforce and extend learning. 

You believe that trade-based education provides practical skills that are valuable in every society. 

During high school years, you would appreciate optional access to technical and vocational programs at Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) through a concurrent enrollment program.

You’ve heard some stories, but you may not be aware that thousands of families have already enjoyed faith-oriented education at our campus in American Fork, Utah, and thousands more around the world enjoy our online and homeschool offerings. Read their testimonials here (scroll to bottom of this linked page).

You’ve caught the vision of what American Heritage can offer your family, and you want to explore the opportunity further. That said, you do have some questions, and maybe even some concerns about the financial commitment and  what scholarship opportunities may be available.  We hope the following information will be helpful.

Due to generous donors who have funded the facilities, student tuition only covers ongoing school operations.

Tuition is $683 or $708 per month for 12 months (March through February) paid via automatic withdrawal (ACH). As you probably know, many private schools charge much more.

The annual tuition total is $8,200 for grades K–8 and $4,200 for grades 9–12 (full-time online courses). Families receive a 2.5% discount (reduction to $7,995 for K–8 or $3,997 for High School) if tuition is paid in full by May 31, 2022. 

You may say, “I want my child to participate, but we don’t have the funds to afford this. How do I fund this?”

Admittedly, full tuition is a stretch for many families, especially large families. But we know, as you do, that investing in children’s education now has potential for significant returns (both spiritual and temporal) in the future.

For this purpose, American Heritage School has a robust scholarship fundraising program. We want families of all incomes to be able to attend and enjoy the benefits of our educational approach.

Applicants may qualify for need-based or merit-based scholarships.

Many successful American Heritage families have asked the same financial questions you may be experiencing. We invite you to begin your inquiry and enrollment application now so we can help you begin to explore options and apply for scholarships this winter and spring. You will discover what many families before you have found: there is a way for your family to enjoy an American Heritage education.

You thrill at the idea of your children learning a wide array of subjects, in the shadows of Temple Square, museums, colleges, government offices, businesses, and experts of many kinds.

You’re excited at the prospect of a wide-variety of downtown field trips and tours led by world-class experts in their fields.

You see that our SLC campus will be easily accessible by Frontrunner, TRAX, and carpools.