Course Description
In this course, students will learn the first four principles of Christian History which are:
God’s Principle of Individuality. We will present the following concepts: Everything in the Creation reveals God’s individuality. The study of leaves, snowflakes, and even the distinct breeds of dogs reveal God’s principle of individuality. Each child’s uniqueness is manifest through his external and internal characteristics. Each individual has a place and purpose in history.
The Christian Principle of Self-government. Self-government is God ruling internally from the heart of the individual.
America’s Heritage of Christian Character. Becoming accountable for one’s learning and productivity is the fruit of Christian character.
“Conscience Is the Most Sacred of All Property” (James Madison). God requires faithful stewardship of all His gifts, especially the internal property of conscience.
History will be introduced as “His” story, meaning Christ’s story. Through each link, evidence that God provides every detail of His story and that individuals and nations are called to forward His story will be presented.
Course Details

Kindergarten History
The students are introduced to all nineteen links on the Christian History Timeline which are:
Pre-Mortal Life.
The Creation.
The Dispensation of Adam.
The Dispensation of Enoch.
The Dispensation of Noah.
The Dispensation of Abraham.
The Dispensation of Moses.
The Nephites – The Book of Mormon Reader.
The Dispensation of Jesus Christ.
The Early Church and the Apostasy.
The Bible in English.
The American Christian Founding – Jamestown and the Pilgrims.
The American Christian Republic – the Constitution and as seen through the life of George Washington.
The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times – Joseph Smith.
Enlightenment and Secularization of America – Little House in the Big Woods.
Gathering and Building Zion – the Pioneers.
My Place in God’s Plan – why did God make me special and what is my responsibility as a child of God in His story?
The Second Coming and Millennium.
Coming soon.
None required.
Mrs. Christine Moray
Christine is excited to continue her career of teaching kindergarten at American Heritage Salt Lake. She has taught 3rd grade, 4th grade, and kindergarten in Salt Lake City School District for the last 35 years. “I love teaching kindergarten, because I can easily see the huge amount of learning the kids achieve. They come in sometimes not knowing how to write their name, but by the end of the year, they’re reading, writing and doing all sorts of math. Now that I have the opportunity of teaching children at American Heritage, I also look forward to sharing that they are children of God.” Christine has been married for 37 years and has 5 adult children and 5 sweet grandchildren.