This form is to be completed by American Heritage School Administrators in order to designate permissions or responsibilities for new employees as part of the onboarding process. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPersonal Email *Cell Phone Number *Birthday month and dayStart Date *Job Title *ITDoes this employee need an email *YesNoEmail distribution list (select all that apply) *SLC Front OfficeSLC AdmissionsSLC FacultySLC All StaffSLC AdministrationDoes this employee need a laptop?PC LaptopMac LaptopHDMI CordHDMI AdapterLaptop CaseApple TVPlease describe laptop and other IT needsVeracrossVeracross User Type: (select all that apply) *AdministrationAdministrative StaffFront OfficeTeacherAideFacilitiesSubstituteOtherIf you selected other, please specify:Is this employee a parent that already has Veracross access? *YesNoFacilitiesPlease indicate what this employee will need from facilities: *Classroom KeyHID KeycardSecurity CodeRadioN/ASubmit