
Course Description

In this innovative course, students will learn how to create and produce a high school podcast featuring interviews with guest speakers from the AHS Masterclass Series. Students will develop essential skills in audio recording, editing, and interviewing while gaining hands-on experience in podcast production.

Throughout the course, students will learn how to set up and operate podcast equipment, including microphones, mixers, and audio software. They will also explore techniques for crafting compelling questions and conducting engaging interviews. The course will cover podcast scripting, content planning, and storytelling to help students create professional-quality episodes.

Working in teams, students will plan, record, and edit episodes featuring interviews with guest speakers from various fields such as science, technology, arts, business, and more. They will learn how to guide a conversation, extract meaningful insights from guests, and present content in an accessible and interesting way.

The class will emphasize the importance of teamwork, communication, and time management as students collaborate to produce regular podcast episodes. By the end of the course, students will have a strong foundation in podcast production and a portfolio of episodes showcasing their work. This course is ideal for students interested in media, journalism, broadcasting, or audio production.

Course Details


Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade Twelfth Grade

In a class on podcasting, students can learn a variety of valuable skills that are essential for creating, producing, and promoting podcasts effectively. Here are eight of the most important skills:

  1. Content Creation: Students should learn how to generate engaging and relevant content for their podcasts, including brainstorming topics, researching, scripting, and structuring episodes effectively. AHS Podcasts will center on the content of the Masterclass Series.
  2. Audio Recording: Understanding the basics of audio recording is crucial, including microphone techniques, recording environments, sound levels, and minimizing background noise.
  3. Editing and Production: Students should learn how to edit audio recordings using software such as Audacity or Adobe Audition, including cutting, splicing, adding music and sound effects, and enhancing audio quality.
  4. Interviewing Skills: For podcasts featuring interviews or guest appearances, students should develop interviewing skills such as preparing questions, active listening, and facilitating engaging conversations.
  5. Narration and Presentation: Students should practice clear and engaging narration techniques, including tone of voice, pacing, and storytelling skills to captivate their audience.
  6. Promotion and Marketing: Understanding how to promote and market a podcast is essential for building an audience. This includes strategies such as social media promotion, collaboration with other podcasters, and leveraging platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
  7. Technical Proficiency: Familiarity with podcasting equipment and technology is important, including microphones, audio interfaces, recording software, and hosting platforms.
  8. Audience Engagement: Students should learn how to engage with their audience effectively, including responding to feedback and comments, building a community around their podcast, and analyzing audience metrics to refine content and promotion strategies.

Check back soon for the syllabus.

Check back soon for information about software that will be used. 

Mrs. Tracy King

Tracy Robbins King holds a Bachelor of Science degree in both History and Spanish Education from Brigham Young University—Idaho. She has taught History, Geography, and Spanish in Virginia and Utah. She enjoys reading books such as Original Grace by Adam Miller and Ask Powerful Questions by Will Wise, both books she highly recommends. She often reads multiple books at a time. Additionally, she enjoys podcasting and traveling with her husband among God’s awe-inspiring creations. Mrs. King is excited to teach American Heritage School’s wonderful students.