
Course Description

The Principles of Reasoning course introduces high school students to the 4R-ing methodology, a transformational approach to scholarship through research, reason, relate, and record. This method fosters deep understanding, internalization of truth, and character development.

Students begin with research, exploring a subject area to acquire knowledge from original sources, scholarly resources, and scriptures. Reason involves critically analyzing this knowledge to deduce principles of truth. Relate encourages connecting and applying these principles to other contexts, especially personal life, allowing students to internalize and “become” the principles they learn. Record focuses on documenting and preserving insights, reinforcing learning and developing communication skills.

By the end of the course, students will be adept at applying the 4R-ing methodology to various subjects, enhancing their critical thinking, analytical skills, and personal growth. This course is ideal for high school students seeking a holistic approach to learning and character building.

Course Details

Principles of Reasoning

Eighth Grade Ninth Grade

Course Objectives

  • Learn and apply the 4R-ing methodology to various subject areas.
  • Develop skills in research, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Understand how to relate knowledge to different contexts and internalize principles of truth.
  • Improve communication skills through structured documentation and recording of knowledge.
  • Cultivate character development through thoughtful learning and application.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Introduction to 4R-ing Methodology

  • Overview of the 4R-ing Approach
    • Understanding the four components: Research, Reason, Relate, Record.
    • Exploring how this methodology facilitates transformational scholarship.
  • Importance of Truth and Principles
    • Examining the role of truth in education and character development.
    • Identifying principles in various subjects.

Unit 2: Research

  • Techniques for Effective Research
    • Learning how to search for and evaluate credible sources.
    • Exploring different types of resources, including original sources and scriptures.
  • Diligent Examination and Knowledge Acquisition
    • Applying research techniques to a chosen subject area.
    • Developing a research plan for thorough examination.

Unit 3: Reason

  • Critical Thinking and Deduction
    • Understanding how to critically analyze information to identify principles of truth.
    • Practicing deduction and inference from research data.
  • Discerning Truth from Falsehood
    • Exploring how reason helps distinguish truth from falsehood.
    • Applying reason to identify and understand key principles in the subject area.

Unit 4: Relate

  • Drawing Connections and Applying Knowledge
    • Learning to relate principles from one context to another.
    • Applying knowledge to personal experiences and broader contexts.
  • Personal Application and Character Development
    • Understanding how relating knowledge helps build character.
    • Developing skills to apply principles to everyday life and decision-making.

Unit 5: Record

  • Importance of Documentation
    • Learning the value of recording knowledge for preservation and deeper understanding.
    • Exploring different methods of documentation, such as written reports and journals.
  • Writing with Intent and Clarity
    • Practicing structured writing and effective communication.
    • Recording insights and principles gained from research, reason, and relate.

Unit 6: Applying 4R-ing to Projects

  • Developing a 4R-ing-Based Project
    • Using the 4R-ing methodology to create a project on a chosen subject.
    • Planning and organizing the project based on the four components.
  • Peer Review and Feedback
    • Engaging in peer review to receive constructive feedback.
    • Revising and refining projects based on feedback.

Unit 7: Final Projects and Presentations

  • Final Project Development
    • Completing the final project, incorporating research, reason, relate, and record.
    • Preparing for the final presentation and defense.
  • Presenting the Final Project
    • Presenting the final project to the class.
    • Answering questions and explaining the 4R-ing process used.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of the 4R-ing methodology and be able to apply it to various subject areas. They will have developed skills in research, critical thinking, and problem-solving, and gained experience in relating knowledge to broader contexts. The course aims to foster character development and prepare students for further studies or career opportunities where critical reasoning and communication skills are essential.

Coming soon. 

Coming soon.