Course Description
In this course, students will learn the basic building blocks of the English language including rules of spelling and syllabication using seventy-eight Spalding phonograms; parts of speech; and simple, compound, and complex sentence construction. Students are instructed in Spalding manuscript and the beginning of the school year and introduced to Spalding cursive in the second half of the school year. In addition, students are introduced to narrative, informative, and narrative-informative text and exposed to fine literature in all genres. Instruction is given in the use of effective reading strategies to increase comprehension. Students are taught to monitor their comprehension, make connections within the text, predict the type of text, reformat the text to recall key elements, and summarize the text by stating a main idea. Elements of good writing are introduced. Activities and assignments in spelling, reading, and writing are clearly modeled and demonstrated to help the student gain proficiency.
Course Details

Second Grade Language Arts
Second graders will develop an understanding of the sounds of individual letters and combinations of letters in daily practice. Second grade has a strong focus on phonemic awareness and phonics.
Students will learn and use Spalding spelling rules, strategies, and practice spelling words and demonstrate proficiency on spelling tests.
Second grade includes a focus on developing and practicing Spalding cursive writing skills.
Students will learn basic grammar concepts and proper language usage and understand how to construct sentences and use language effectively.
Students will work on developing reading comprehension skills. This involves understanding and interpreting a variety of texts, making predictions, and drawing conclusions.
Second graders will engage in various writing activities, such as writing sentences, short paragraphs, or stories. They will apply the spelling and grammar rules they have acquired.
Coming soon.
None required.
Mrs. Sara Fenn
Sara Fenn has a bachelor’s degree in Health Science from Brigham Young University. After raising her six children, she went back to school and got a master’s degree in education from the University of Utah and taught second, fourth and sixth grades. Sara left teaching when her husband, Jerry, was called to preside over the Illinois Chicago Mission and then the Salt Lake City Headquarters Mission. Sara is excited to be teaching second grade students where she can share her testimony as well as academic principles. Sara enjoys spending time with her 19 grandchildren, cooking, quilting and traveling. She is thrilled to be part of the American Heritage School team.