Course Description
The devotional class is designed to help students deepen their understanding of the scriptures and strengthen their faith through the teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The class follows the “Come Follow Me” manual, a comprehensive guide that explores the doctrines and principles found in the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price.
Each week, participants will engage in guided scripture study, personal reflection, and group discussions. The class encourages thoughtful questions, shared insights, and application of gospel principles to daily life.
The course culminates in a Devotional Performance held at the AHS Salt Lake City’s performance hall, where students will present spiritual messages, music, and other devotional expressions. This event provides an opportunity for parents, friends, and the wider community to participate and support the students’ spiritual journey.
Course Details

Seventh Grade Devotional
Student Responsibilities:
Each student will be assigned to act as the devotional leader on five to six separate occasions. As devotional leaders, students play a crucial role in shaping our daily spiritual growth. As the devotional leader, students will:
• Craft a 3–5-minute message centered on the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, using one or two of the following resources: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, teachings from apostles, prophets, and other religious leaders (both past and present), songs, videos, and pieces of art.
• Select a hymn that resonates with the theme of your message.
• Elect a classmate to serve as the music director.
• Elect a classmate to offer the opening prayer.
• Elect a classmate to recite the Pledge of Allegiance
Students are expected to embrace this opportunity to inspire and unite us in our shared Christian faith. Their commitment to these responsibilities helps grow the faith of each 7th grader in our class.
There is no syllabus for this course.
Standard Works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its annual “Come Follow Me” Manual.

Miss Casia Holzer
Casia graduated from Utah State University with a degree in biology. While she enjoyed her education, her true passion lies in teaching chemistry. If you stepped into her class on a random day, you would most likely find her doing a science experiment. She believes nothing beats hands-on learning! When not enjoying students in the classroom, Casia tutors, writes biographies, and arranges piano music. Her motto is “Life is beautiful!”