Course Description
In this course, students will learn spelling, Greek & Latin roots, grammar, vocabulary, cursive, composition styles and mechanics, memorization skills and word studies. We will use the notebook method for written record for assignments throughout all areas of the curriculum.
Students will study parts of speech, parts of a sentence, types of sentences, sentence patterns, diagramming, editing and mechanics. Students will be able to apply grammar concepts to build reasoning skills and to correctly apply throughout their speaking and writing. Applying the 4-R-ing process, students will be able to relate their understanding of concepts from spelling, roots, grammar, vocabulary and cursive and record their work in complete and well-reasoned paragraphs (topic/thesis sentence, details, conclusion sentence) throughout all areas of the curriculum.
Students will learn how to write 5 paragraph essays, including research and works cited skills. Students will be able to memorize and recite assigned scriptures, quotes, and/or official documents. Sixth graders will be memorizing “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.”
Students will also learn the “Seven Loves of Literature” and how to choose good reading material. We will study the author, background, settings, themes, and vocabulary of the following novels: The Children’s Homer, The Bronze Bow, and The Door in the Wall. Students will explore key thematic messages such as:
• The Plan of Salvation: symbols, architypes, parallels, and similarities with Latter-Day Saint theology.
• Personal mission and purpose relating to God’s plan for the individuality of his children.
• Overcoming the natural man through comparing and contrasting internal and external character qualities.
All seven principles of Personal and Civil Liberty will be discovered and discussed in each of these novels through the teacher reading aloud, researching, reasoning, relating, and recording. We will complete word studies, research vocabulary, and complete character charts of the major and supportive characters. In addition to being able to discuss their learning, students will demonstrate their understanding of these topics through daily vocabulary notebook additions, chapter work, reading comprehension assessments, oral presentations, group discussions and individual and group work.
Course Details

Sixth Grade Language & Literature
Students will demonstrate their mastery of the curriculum through the following tasks:
1. Memorize scriptures, quotes, and “The Living Christ.”
2. Cursive writing practiced with each memorization.
3. Have weekly spelling words from Spalding.
4. Learn two Latin and Greek Root Words per week.
5. Do Four Word Studies
6. Read books from different genres and have monthly book reports.
Terms 1 and 2 – The Children’s Homer
Term 3 – The Bronze Bow
Term 4 – The Door in the Wall
Coming soon.
Coming soon.

Mrs. Mary Gilmore
Mary Gilmore received a Master of Education in Elementary Education from Utah State University and her Bachelor of Science from Brigham Young University in Elementary Education with a Minor in Music. Serving a mission to England was a highlight of her life. After teaching Elementary school for seven years (two years in second grade and five years in fifth grade), she stayed home to raise her family. She and her husband Rob have six children, and they love to play games together as well share their love of music with others. Mary has enjoyed teaching piano lessons for over 20 years. She loves the outdoors and watching her children play soccer. She worked at Oakcrest girls camp as a counselor, assistant director, and director and loved it! She has a strong desire to help each student feel successful and loved in a safe learning environment. She is thrilled to be a sixth-grade teacher at American Heritage in Salt Lake City and to be able to share her love for learning along with her testimony of Jesus Christ.