
Course Description

This high school history course explores significant events and developments from 1500 to the present day. Students will study the major historical trends that have shaped the modern world, including the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution. The course also covers key conflicts such as the World Wars, the Cold War, and major social movements that have driven global change.

Students will learn to analyze historical sources, understand different perspectives, and connect past events to contemporary issues. Through a combination of lectures, discussions, and research projects, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of world history, fostering critical thinking and an appreciation for global diversity. By the end of the course, students will have a broad perspective on the events that have influenced modern society and be better equipped to understand current world events. This course is ideal for students interested in history, social studies, or international relations.

Course Details

Modern World History

 Tenth Grade

Course Objectives

  • Understand significant events in world history from 1500 to today.
  • Explore major historical trends and their impact on global developments.
  • Develop skills in analyzing historical sources and understanding different perspectives.
  • Connect past events to contemporary issues and current world events.
  • Engage in critical thinking and foster an appreciation for global diversity.

Course Outline

Unit 1: The Renaissance and the Age of Exploration

  • The Renaissance
    • Overview of the Renaissance and its impact on art, science, and culture.
    • Key figures of the Renaissance and their contributions.
  • The Age of Exploration
    • Exploration and expansion during the 15th and 16th centuries.
    • Impact of European exploration on indigenous populations and global trade.

Unit 2: The Reformation and the Enlightenment

  • The Protestant Reformation
    • Causes and consequences of the Reformation.
    • Key figures like Martin Luther and John Calvin.
  • The Enlightenment
    • Overview of Enlightenment philosophy and its influence on modern thought.
    • Key thinkers like John Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau.

Unit 3: The Industrial Revolution and the Age of Revolution

  • The Industrial Revolution
    • Technological advancements and their impact on society.
    • Social changes brought about by industrialization.
  • The Age of Revolution
    • Major revolutions like the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
    • The impact of revolutionary ideas on the development of modern democracies.

Unit 4: The 19th Century and the Rise of Nationalism

  • Nationalism and Unification
    • The rise of nationalism in Europe and its effects.
    • The unification of Italy and Germany.
  • Imperialism and Colonization
    • The expansion of European empires in the 19th century.
    • The impact of imperialism on Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

Unit 5: The World Wars and the Interwar Period

  • World War I
    • Causes and key events of World War I.
    • The Treaty of Versailles and its consequences.
  • The Interwar Period
    • The rise of totalitarianism in Europe.
    • The Great Depression and its global impact.
  • World War II
    • Causes and major events of World War II.
    • The Holocaust and the human cost of war.

Unit 6: The Cold War and the Post-War World

  • The Cold War
    • The ideological conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union.
    • Key events like the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Decolonization and the Rise of New Nations
    • The process of decolonization in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
    • The emergence of new nations and their challenges.

Unit 7: The Late 20th Century and the 21st Century

  • Social Movements and Globalization
    • The Civil Rights Movement, women’s rights, and other significant social movements.
    • The impact of globalization on the world economy and culture.
  • Contemporary Issues and Global Challenges
    • Current events and ongoing global challenges like climate change and terrorism.
    • The role of international organizations and global cooperation.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of major historical events from 1500 to today. They will have developed critical thinking and analytical skills, with the ability to connect historical events to contemporary issues. This course aims to foster an appreciation for global history and equip students with the knowledge to understand current world events.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.

Dr. Michael Murdock

Michael Murdock holds  a PhD in Modern Chinese history from the University of Michigan. For 30 years he taught history, international relations, and political science courses at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Bowling Green State, Brigham Young University-Provo, and Brigham Young University-Hawaii. His primary expertise lies in the history and contemporary developments of Asia, but he also enjoys European and North American history and politics. Raised by educator parents, Michael saw examples of exceptional teaching from his youth. He believes that good teaching is an act of Christ-like love. He loves using models and examples from history to explain conditions today.