Shannon Norton
Shannon Norton is the parent of five children, three of whom attend American Heritage in American Fork. They were drawn to the unique principles and mission of American Heritage since before their first child began Kindergarten and their family has been involved with the school ever since. Growing up in the SL Valley, Shannon has a love for Salt Lake as well. Shannon graduated with a BA in Visual Arts from Brigham Young University. She started her own photography business after graduating and was a photographer for Governor Herbert and Sen Mitt Romney. Shannon had a child with chronic health conditions and special needs. She has served on the Parental Advisory Committee at Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake City to help create a comprehensive care clinic for “continuity of care” between physicians and parents. Shannon thoroughly enjoys caring for children’s physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. She enjoys being in the mountains, studying the Gospel, and writing. She is excited to participate in bringing these principles and environment to more people in Salt Lake Valley to bless their homes and lives.