Dear Parents,
On 09/24/2024 (T) and 09/25/2024 (W) from 4–7 PM, please come to the SLC Campus for Parent Teacher Conferences. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and to discuss your child’s academic progress. At least one parent is strongly encouraged to attend. Sign-up below to reserve conference times. For your convenience, print a blank conference schedule to note your appointments.
Homeroom / Core Teachers:
- K—Chris Moray
- 1—Keisha Smith
- 2—Sara Fenn
- 3—Lakyn Lee
- 4—Kristie Frampton
- 5—Julie Greenman
- 6—Mary Gilmore
- 7—Pam Simons
- 8—Esther Fisher
- 9—Dr. Logan Wells (+ Comparative World Religions/Current Events & Media Literacy/ Senior Seminar/ US Constitution & Government)
- 10/11/12—Dr. Michael Murdock (+ AP Macro Economics/ International Relations)
Elective and Other Teachers:
- AP Human Geography—Caroline McNiven
- Art Classes—MaiLyn Niupulusu
- Computer Science (+ Analytical Reading & Writing/Middle School Writing/Physics/Principles of Reasoning/7th Grade Keyboarding & Computer Skills)—Tayson Holzer
- Drama Classes (+ Public Speaking)—Micole Mayfield
- Entrepreneurship— Sarah Costa
- Etiquette & Social Dance—Dr. Elizabeth Nielson
- Family Science—Jen Shurtz (3rd & 4th Terms Only)
- Folk Dance—Amy Robinson (3rd & 4th Terms Only)
- Mandarin—Lisa Fifield
- Math (Algebra/Pre-Calculus)—Amanda Yauney
- Math (Pre-Algebra/Algebra 2)—Shanae Larsen
- Math (Algebra 2/Pre-Calculus/AP Calculus AB)—Selena Robinson
- Music (+ Cantare Concert Choir)—Katy Francom
- Mock Trial & Debate/Patriots News—Ricardo Costa
- PE/Strength & Conditioning/Team Sports—Thiago Lopes
- Principles of Leadership—Leland Anderson
- Robotics & Engineering—Callie Nieman
- Science Classes (+ Chemistry/Food Science/Human Biology/7th Grade Master Project)—Casia Holzer
- Seminary—Brother Kyler Hamilton
- Seminary—Brother Sean Marsden
- Spanish—Marleni Colvin
- Spanish—Silvia Murillo
- Yoga & Pilates—Justine Thorn