
Course Description

This course is designed to equip high school students with the confidence and skills to speak effectively in front of an audience. Through a series of exercises, presentations, and group activities, students will learn the fundamentals of public speaking, including speech structure, delivery techniques, vocal control, and body language.

Students will explore various types of public speaking, such as persuasive speeches, informative presentations, impromptu speeches, and storytelling. They will have opportunities to practice speaking in front of their peers, receiving constructive feedback to improve their performance. The course also covers strategies for overcoming stage fright and developing a personal speaking style.

In addition to speech preparation and delivery, students will learn to use visual aids and technology to enhance their presentations. They will also engage in group discussions and debates to build their communication skills in a collaborative setting. By the end of the course, students will be able to craft compelling speeches, present confidently, and connect with an audience. This course is ideal for students interested in developing their public speaking abilities for academic, professional, or personal growth.

Course Details

Public Speaking

Ninth Grade Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade Twelfth Grade

Course Objectives

  • Understand the basic principles of public speaking and effective communication.
  • Learn to structure speeches for clarity and impact.
  • Develop vocal control, body language, and delivery techniques.
  • Gain experience in different types of public speaking.
  • Build confidence and overcome stage fright through practice and feedback.
  • Learn to use visual aids and technology to enhance presentations.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Introduction to Public Speaking

  • Overview of Public Speaking
    • Importance of public speaking in various contexts.
    • Basic speech components: introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Speech Delivery Techniques
    • Vocal control: volume, pitch, pace, and articulation.
    • Body language: gestures, eye contact, and posture.

Unit 2: Types of Public Speaking

  • Informative Presentations
    • Crafting clear and informative speeches.
    • Techniques for engaging an audience with facts and data.
  • Persuasive Speeches
    • Understanding persuasive techniques and appeals (ethos, pathos, logos).
    • Structuring persuasive arguments and counterarguments.
  • Impromptu Speeches
    • Developing quick-thinking skills for impromptu speaking.
    • Practicing with various impromptu speech topics.

Unit 3: Speech Preparation and Practice

  • Research and Topic Selection
    • Finding and selecting appropriate topics for speeches.
    • Conducting effective research to support speech content.
  • Speech Writing and Structure
    • Organizing speech content for clarity and flow.
    • Writing outlines and practicing transitions between points.
  • Speech Rehearsal and Delivery
    • Techniques for rehearsing speeches effectively.
    • Practicing delivery and receiving feedback from peers.

Unit 4: Visual Aids and Technology

  • Using Visual Aids
    • Types of visual aids: slides, props, handouts, etc.
    • Incorporating visual aids into presentations for impact.
  • Technology in Presentations
    • Using technology tools like PowerPoint, Prezi, and video clips.
    • Best practices for seamless integration of technology.

Unit 5: Overcoming Stage Fright and Building Confidence

  • Strategies for Overcoming Stage Fright
    • Understanding the causes of stage fright.
    • Techniques for managing anxiety and building confidence.
  • Developing a Personal Speaking Style
    • Identifying personal strengths and unique speaking styles.
    • Enhancing personal style to connect with audiences.

Unit 6: Group Activities and Debates

  • Group Discussions and Collaboration
    • Engaging in group discussions and activities.
    • Developing teamwork and collaborative communication skills.
  • Debates and Public Speaking Challenges
    • Participating in structured debates on various topics.
    • Using public speaking skills in a competitive setting.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to craft and deliver effective speeches, use visual aids and technology in presentations, and engage confidently in various public speaking scenarios. This course aims to build public speaking skills, foster critical thinking, and develop the ability to communicate persuasively in academic, professional, and personal contexts.

Coming soon.

Coming soon.

Ms. Micole Mayfield

Micole graduated with a Bachelors in Communication: Public Relations from Brigham Young University. Ms. Mayfield is thrilled to be teaching at the new AHS campus in Salt Lake City. As someone who has seen how Drama can positively affect every aspect of someone’s life, she is excited to share her passion with her students. Micole has been performing and working in theater for over 15 years. She has seen how drama engages students with literature in a way that simply reading printed words cannot. When we use drama skills to study literature and history, we help students to engage interactively with the past, to re-enact and explore historically significant moments, situations and events, and meet historical characters.